decorative compound glas
ART COMPOUND® is a compound glass which protects fabric, wood, metal, photos etc. behind glass and at the same time guarantees the full visual impact of the material.

ART COMPOUND® offers you greatly increased scope for interior design. Most interior materials, such as fabric, pictures, wooden surfaces and some metal surfaces often are difficult or impractical to keep spotlessly clean. Art Compound Glass with its brilliant optical clarity allows the use of such materials in new areas within the yacht, where cleaning requirements would not normally allow.
ART COMPOUND® is a compound glass which surrounds and protects decorative materials and at the same time gives stiffness and stability. Drapery, leather or even a picture cannot be normally installed as a partition wall but with ART COMPOUND® this becomes possible. We have a selection of different materials or patterns, but can work with any that you supply.
ART COMPOUND® is produced plane or bent to customer specification.
Please contact us for an individual quotation.